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dYdX exchange

If you want to create an Exchange Account for dYdX make sure you have already created an account on dYdX exchange and activated it for trading. If you don’t, you can follow this tutorial.

  1. Navigate to “Create Exchange Account” (if you don’t have any Exchange Account yet) or navigate top right to , then “Exchange Accounts” and then press “+” sign top right.
  2. From the Exchange menu select dYdX.
  3. If you haven’t connected wallet you should see button . Press it to connect the same wallet, that you have registered in dYdX exchange.
  4. Set the name of your choice for Exchange Account to recognize it later.  Eg. 
  5. Then press (Button label shows you address of your connected wallet)
  6. Next choose if the connected wallet in Metamask is a software wallet or hardware wallet.
  7. This will generate a so called STARK key, and finish onboarding each of which you will have to sign.
  8. After signing this operations these fields will be automatically filled:

    Do not change them if you are not 100% sure you know what you are doing.

  9. Lastly you should fill in this fields:
    1. Rate limit count – How many private calls you can make to API
    2. Rate limit interval [s] – Interval in that you can make “Rate limit count” of private calls.

      Example: So if API allows you to have 5 requests per 1 second you should set it as

      • Rate limit count: 5
      • Rate limit interval [s]: 1