Upon your first registration on the platform, we will give you a free Trial subscription which will allow you to try all features of ChainTerminal platform for several days. After your Trial subscription expires your bots will be stopped (, your current open orders will be canceled and your opened positions will remain opened).
Detailed information about your current subscription and options to purchase (or extend) your current subscription are available in the Subscriptions window.
Subscription Types
The Trail subscription is assigned to your account immediately after registration and first login. It’s free and allows you to try the ChainTerminal platform and set up your first bots.
Paid subscription allows you to utilize the full potential of ChainTerminal platform. It enables you to simultaneously run multiple bots of different types for a prepaid period of time. There are several types of paid subscriptions, and each one is carefully prepared for both new and experienced traders.
*Hint: Discounts are applied when you purchase a subscription for a longer period of time.
Our packages can be tailored by your needs. If you want to implement a new strategy for a specified period of time with a different amount of bots, just contact our support center and we will assist you.
To purchase or extend your subscription, connect your wallet, head over to the Subscriptions window and press the “Buy” button in your desired Subscription panel.
The next screen will allow you to choose the length (period) of subscription, network, asset you want to use and if the subscription should be applied immediately after purchase, or should it start after actual (and all other prepaid) subscriptions have ended.